DIY Terrarium

Terrarium has been all the rage recently, I think it is something new to bring into your home and can benefit you while looking aesthetically pleasing. Also this can make a lovely little last minute gift for the holiday season! 

Potting Soil

*Ornaments are optional, all depends on how you would like to customize your Terrarium.

1. Start by placing in the rocks, the rocks are used as drainage for the your succulent
2. Place in the potting soil make room for your succulent in the middle
3. Place your succulent in the potting soil, arrange how you please
4. Add a little gravel the top of the  potting soil surrounding the succulent
5. Add in your ornaments and add ons, it is READY TO GO!

Make sure to water the succulent every week once a week, and once it starts to grow out of its jar depot it and place it into a bigger home.

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